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Peer-Reviewed Journals 

*denotes equal authorship ; Italics denotes student authors at the times of the project

Jang, S. R., Cheung, H., & Ford, M. (2023). Healthy for some but not for all: The moderating role of BMI on perceived health climate–insomnia relationship. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(4), 856-871.

Bergman, M. E., Gaskins, V. A., Allen, T., Cheung, H., Hebl, M., King, E. B., ... & Zelin, A. I. (2023). The Dobbs Decision and the Future of Occupational Health in the USOccupational Health Science, 7(1), 1-37.

Goldberg, C. G. & Cheung, H. (2022). Organizational abortion care benefits in the post-Roe world: Employee and employers perspectives. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal. 

Keeler, K., Alaybek, B., Cortina, J., & Cheung, H. (2022). Untying the climate strength knot: A meta-analytic examination. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Cheung, H., Baranik, L. E., Burrows, D.*, & Asburn-Nardo, L. (2022). Hiring discrimination against refugees: The mediating role of symbolic and realistic threat. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Cheung, H., Anderson, A. A., King, E. B., Warner, K., Mahabir, B., Jones, K. P. (2022). Beyond the baby bump: Subtle discrimination against working mothers during the hiring process. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 1181-1198.

Dalal, D. K., Randall, J. G., Cheung, H., Roch, S. G., Williams, K. J., & Gorman, B. (2021). Is there bias in alternatives to standardized tests? An investigation into letters of recommendation. International Journal of Testing, 22(1), 21-42. 

Hernandez, J.*, Mahabir, B.*, & Cheung, H. (2021) Applying I-O theories in classrooms: An examination from the power perspective. The Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 13(4), 548-554 .

Cheung, H., Goldberg, C., Konrad, A., Lindsey, A. P., Nicolaides, V., & Wang, Y. (2020). A meta-analytic review of gender context influencing employees’ work outcomes: Implications for human resources development. Human Resources Development International, 23(5), 491-518 

Danna, G.*, Hernandez, J.*, Mahabir, B.*, Nandigama, D.*, & Cheung, H. (2020) Who else besides (white) women: The need for representation in harassment training. The Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 13, 208-212.

Gilrane, V., Wessel, J. L., Cheung, H., & King, E. B. (2019). The consequences of making the right impressions for STEM women: Meta-stereotypes, impression management, and supervisor ratings. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 7(1), 22-31.

Lee, S. Y., Hanson, M. D., & Cheung, H. (2019). Incorporating bystanders intervention into sexual harassment training. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 12(1), 52-57.

Batz, C. L., Tay, L., Kuykendall, L. & Cheung, H. (2018). A meta-analysis of gender differences in subjective well-being: Estimating effect size and associations with gender inequality. Psychological Science, 29(9), 1491-1503.


Cheung, H., Goldberg, C. B., King, E. B., & Magley, V. J. (2017). Are you true to the cause? Beliefs about Organizational and Unit’s Commitment to Sexual Harassment Training. Groups & Organization Management, 43(4), 531-560 .

Kuykendall, L., Lei, X., Tay, L., Cheung, H., Kolze, M., Lindsey, A., Silvers, M., & Engelsted, L. (2017). Leisure subjective well-being: Validating new measures and examining its importance to overall worker well-being. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103, 13-40.

Cheung, H.*, Hebl, M. R.*, King, E. B.*, Markell, H. H.*, Moreno, C.*, & Nittrouer, C.* (2017). Back to the future: Methodologies that capture real people in the real world. Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(5), 564- 572.

Windscheild, L., Bowes-Sperry, L., Kidder, D., Cheung, H., Morner, M., & Lievens, F. (2016). Actions speak louder than words: Job seekers’ perceptions of diversity mixed messages. Journal of Applied Psychology. 101 (9), 1329- 1241.

**Winner of 2016 Dorothy Harlow/McGraw Hill Best Paper Award for the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division of the Academy of Management

Cheung, H., Lindsey, A. P., King, E. B., & Hebl, M. R. (2016). Beyond sex: Exploring the influence of sex role identity on women’s influence tactics. Gender in Management, 31(1), 43-69.

Lindsey, A. P., King, E. B., Cheung, H., Hebl, M. R., Lynch, S., & Mancini, V. (2015). When do women respond to discrimination? Exploring factors of focus, form, and subtlety. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45 (12), 649-661.

Other Publications

*denotes equal authorship

Mahabir, B., Hernandez, J. & Cheung, H. (2022). "What about pregnancy loss: an examination of wellness in the workplace" In the Future of Scholarship in Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations, Information Age Publishing, Vol 3, 225-246. 

Landy, F. J. & Cheung, H. (2017). Equal Pay Act of 1963. In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Cheung, H.*, King, E.*, Lindsey, A.*, Membere, A.*, Markell, H., & Kilcullen, M (2016). Understanding and reducing workplace discriminationResearch in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol 34, 101-152.


Lindsey, A. P., King, E. B., Membere, A. A., Cheung, H. (2017). Two types of diversity training that really work: Experiments show that context and personality matter. Harvard Business Review, July 28, 2017.

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